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Release 101

Release 101

Release. Release. Release. It’s the energy phase that gets talked about a lot but with little-to-no “how” to back it up. It’s also arguably the most important phase because you can’t create room to embody a different energy without first...
Integration 101

Integration 101

I say this about each energy phase, but I LOVE Integration. This is probably because one of the ways to integrate energy is sleep and your girl looooooooves sleep … but more so, integration is where the rubber meets the self-care road. Integrating energy is...
Activation 101

Activation 101

Today, we’re going to dive into Activation. Activation is an energy phase that I renamed from its true name so people would be more willing to lean into it. In actuality, activation = triggered. Trigger has become a trigger word because those of us with severe...
Grounding 101

Grounding 101

Grounding. It gets talked about all the time but can you tell me what it is? What it feels like? If you can, bravo!If you can’t, you’re not alone. I struggled for almost a year trying to “get grounded.” I kept waiting for some zen feeling to come over me, instead I...
Episode 9: Movement

Episode 9: Movement

What is movement when you’re not trying to earn a piece of cake or fighting your body for how you want it to look?  In this week’s episode, Rahma takes a look at movement outside of the lens of diet culture and from the perspective that movement (of any...