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Release. Release. Release.

It’s the energy phase that gets talked about a lot but with little-to-no “how” to back it up. It’s also arguably the most important phase because you can’t create room to embody a different energy without first releasing what you already contain.

We all know what it feels like when we need to release energy – the unexplained outbursts, out-of-control anxiety, low threshold for stress. We’ve all overreacted to situations or people and ‘wondered’ why we did. When you first start learning how to constructively release your energy, it’s like constantly having to vent a pressure cooker, set to SUPER HIGH. This is usually because there’s SO MUCH pent of emotional energy that is ready to be transformed that hasn’t been allowed to. While it can feel overwhelming, it’s necessary to give yourself the space to release whatever comes up.

In my experience, releasing energy is the most vulnerable position we put ourselves in. 90% of the time, crying is involved and that alone makes us feel vulnerable. If we don’t care for ourselves properly post-release session, we’re left open energetically to frequencies we don’t want in our fields.

Release is powerful in teaching us how to have compassion for ourselves and how to comfort ourselves. In the process of re-parenting ourselves or transmuting generational karma, this is life-changing knowledge we can use to evolve (and not just for us but for everyone around us).

The podcast episode here goes into more detail of what Release is like, why it matters that we give it the importance it deserves and how to navigate the after-care.