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I say this about each energy phase, but I LOVE Integration.

This is probably because one of the ways to integrate energy is sleep and your girl looooooooves sleep … but more so, integration is where the rubber meets the self-care road.

Integrating energy is tough work. You literally get stretched and shifted, both physically and spiritually. Integration is the update-and-reboot portion of self-care. It’s where we have to practice the most patience and understanding with ourselves.

When we integrate energy, we finalize the release of the ‘old’ that doesn’t serve us anymore and ground in the ‘new’. In order to integrate energy properly, we really have to be in tune with our energetic needs.

Integration can happen one of 2 ways:

1) tapping into your Divine Feminine energy
2) tapping into your Divine Masculine energy

The trick is knowing the flow between the two that YOU need (not what others are doing).

DF Integration strategies include: sleep, baths, meditation, Netflix and chill
DM Integration looks very different than DF. DM Integration strategies include replacing old energy habits with new ones, taking divine actions, following your intuition (instead of just listening to it). Most likely, you’ll need a combo of both to fully integrate any new frequencies.

A solid self-care practice helps you navigate integration because you’ll have a nice mix of DF and DM practices, making it easier to discern which practices you need to use to integrate.

Each energy phase I’ve discussed requires something different from you and your self-care practice. Integration is a balancing act between DF and DM energies and the only way to know what works is trying it out.

The podcast episode here goes more deeply into what integration is and how to navigate it in your day-to-day life. Leave a comment below with what your primary way of integration energy is and how you know when you’ve integrated a trigger.

Much love.