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It gets talked about all the time but can you tell me what it is? What it feels like?

If you can, bravo!
If you can’t, you’re not alone.

I struggled for almost a year trying to “get grounded.” I kept waiting for some zen feeling to come over me, instead I felt more lost and disconnected.

To combat this feeling, I did what I do best – research. And wouldn’t you know that as many people talked about grounding, no one ever explains it in clear terms.

It’s almost like they expected all of us to just KNOW what it meant. 🤦🏽‍♀️

In today’s episode, I explain what grounding is (🙌🏽) and how to know when you need to it or something else.

One last thing – grounding has two purposes: to anchor or to eliminate. Grounding allows us to safely dispose of old patterns AND allows us to anchor in new patterns.

Like all good self-care tools, grounding has multiples uses. This is why setting an intention is CRITICAL. Without telling the tool what you need from it, it will try to fix everything (which means nothing gets done).

Check out the podcast episode here and leave me a comment with your thoughts.