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Cults are an extremely popular topic at the moment. There’s a million and one documentaries on them and every day there’s more information about another cult coming to light. While it may seem that cults are some faraway thing that could never happen to you, i have some news for you – we are ALL living in a cult. The cult of capitalism.

Being raised by a narcissistic mother, I was born into a family cult so I have some direct experience with this. In my work of deconstructing and healing from my childhood, the one thread I see that connects all cults is that a narcissist is at the helm of it and capitalism is the foundation that gives rise to narcissists. 

In this episode, I break down why it’s important to call capitalism a cult and how it affects everyone who’s alive right now. I also share the importance of imagining a world without capitalism so future generations don’t have to live through what we have. 


CW: capitalism, cults, abuse, narcissism